I met my fair share of lousy drivers so far and yesterday I met one of the lamest and lousiest driver in Singapore.
Please note that following story comes with a 6 demerit points and $150 fine with it. Do remember that if you chalked up 4 similar offences within 2 years, it is sayonara to your driving lesson. The offence is failing to give way to pedestrian at pedestrian crossing.
I just alighted from the bus and was crossing the zebra crossing. A stupid SUV has just previously move and stopped just before the markings and so I started to cross the zebra crossing. The next thing I know is that the SUV drove pass in front of me when I am on the crossing. I was infuriated and bang my hand on the window. The driver stopped the car after the crossing and wind down his window. I shouted angrily to him that he has just drove pass a zebra crossing with pedestrians on it. His reason, the gap has become wider and he feel that it is large enough for him to cross. I replied angrily that he should give way and not crossed the crossing even if it is wide enough. He then shakes his head and waves his hand at me which I reacted by shouting back that I will call the Traffic Police and report him to it. Just that I am hungry and a bit lazy to report to Traffic Police and I did not note down his car license plate. Next time, the next driver will not be so lucky!
I hereby like all Singapore drivers to note that it is a TRAFFIC OFFENCE NOT TO GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS ON A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING. The result is a 6 points demerit on your nice license and also your wallet will be lighter by 3 crispy $50 notes, a $150 fine. Save time? Save your money and your license instead.
Sidenote : to see more horrible drivers, look at these parking idiots!
You're very bold to bang on the window of this SUV. If he can afford an SUV, whatever fines he will get for failing to give way to you as a pedestrian will be a mere slap on his wrist. Were u not afraid he might whack u for whacking his car? Or were u all game for a fight on the road?
Yes, indeed. Looking back at it. I can considered it a rash act. However it was on the back on my mind as I was frustrated at work already and at the moment when my life is endangered, first thing I do was to retaliate.
yes the fine is a small slap on his wrist but the 6 demerit points is pretty much a heavy punishment.
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