Contract with present recruit agency is due to expire in approximately 2 months time, end of November.
F from the agency emailed me, offered to extend my contract as the present company is keen to sign me for another year. An agent contract is not the best of all things. Good to start off but entrenched in one is not good as benefits are slashed to my disadvantages. Wanted to sign as contract staff to the company as I start to enjoy better benefits except job security.
Talked to my boss, SH, abt it. Abt wanting to sign a coy contract instead of agent contract. She gave me reason that 6 months is too short a period to assess (hey the probation period is only 3 months!) and there is a head count problem (I was offered the choice of an agent contract or coy contract in my initial interview!). Kinda contradicting.
Went thru a quick apprasial with her and the only 2 shortcomings are that I leave office promptly and usage of the Internet. If there is no work to be done or things are not urgent, is there really a need to stay back and show u r working? Come on. This is age old nonsense. Usage of Internet. Hey, open your eyes wider, with the exception of few, most ppl here use the net openly! and I am certainly quite discreet and tactically at most times!
Disappointing talk with her. She don't seem to be keen on signing coy contract for me though she presents a different side. Not planning to really wait a year to turn coy contract and forever as perm staff. Going for an interview tonight. It is going to be a 6 months contract job and it things turn up well, I will leave my current job.
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