Monday, June 13, 2011

Recontract Penalty Charges for all 3 telcos


Customers shall be permitted to upgrade their mobile equipment upon expiry of twelve (12) months from the commencement of the Equipment Undertaking Agreement by paying a charge of either $300 (for iPhone & selected smartphones*) or $200 (for all other handsets) in addition to the prevailing price of the mobile equipment


Additional $100 and $300 applies on the phone offers for customer who have completed at least 11 months of their normal handset contract and/or iPhone handset contract respectively.


The prevailing Early Handset Upgrade Fee for non – iPhone contracted customers is at $200 and for iPhone contracted customers is $300 or otherwise stated.

in summary -

ST -
change to iPhone and selected smartphones - $300
other phones - $200

M1 -
Previous contract buy iPhone - $300
Previous contract buy other phones - $100

SH -
Previous contract buy iPhone - $300
Previous contract buy other phones - $200


Adam said...

Think now M1 also charges $200 for recontract after 11 months. According to the Paragon CS staff

Xaiver said...

Adam : yes. it was changed to $200 to prevailing charges. The post was just before M1 changes to $200.